
Monday, May 21, 2012


So much has happened since I stopped blogging about my experience as an egg donor. I thought I would use this opportunity to answer some of the questions that I've been asked over the last few months.
So... Did you donate?
Yes - I was chosen as a donor by 2 recipient couples, and successfully donated my eggs. I produced 14 eggs!
Why did you stop blogging?
To protect my anonymity, SG asked me to stop blogging once I was chosen as a donor. They were receiving a number of calls from people who had read some of my postings - some of who were actually requesting my eggs. Flattering, but not what I had expected to happen.
Will you donate again?
Short answer is YES, I would love to. The shots were no big deal, the pain was minimal after the procedure, and overall it was a good experience. However, I was not invited back on the donor database with Shady Grove... more on that later.
Did the couples get pregnant?
I have no idea - the donation was anonymous, and I might never find out that answer to that question. I am comfortable with never knowing what the result of my donation was.
What now?!
I am currently working with another fertility clinic, and I am officially back on the donor database with that clinic. I hope to donate at least one more time with them. Now that my donation is done and over with, and my relationship with SG has ended I've decided to start writing again about my experience (and continue on with any future donations). Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thank you so much for updating today. I JUST found your blog this morning, as I've been considering egg donation myself and found it difficult to find donor experiences online. Amazing that I happened across you on the same day that you updated!

    Can't wait to hear more about your experiences as I consider doing the same!
